Below are Two documents:
Memorandum of Agreement
Benefits Plan Changes
Some important notes:
There are two amendments to the Benefits Plan as presented that are noted both by highlighted comments in the benefits document as well as in the Memorandum of Agreement.
Where there is a discrepancy in language in the French version, the English version takes precedence as that is the one that was negotiated at the table.
Ratification Vote
Details for the vote will be sent out soon. The voting is scheduled to open Friday February 7th, 2025, and close by end of day February 13th, 2025. If it is ratified, work rules (including expenses) will go into effect March 1st, 2025. Wage increases will be retroactive to January 1st, 2025.
We will be using the final elector email list from the strike mandate vote. Please advise us of any new additions/late subtractions that have taken effect since the strike vote.
Bargaining Committee: Final Deal
January 28th, 2025
TO All IBEW System Council no. 11 Members Covered under Agreement 11.1 with CN Rail
Thanks to your supporting 95% strike mandate, your Bargaining Committee was able to bargain a fair deal thatwe know wasn’t possible without your support! The following are some highlights from the Memorandum ofAgreement that you – the members – will get to vote on for ratification in the coming days.
- Contract expires December 31st, 2028.
- A wage increase of 3% for each year of the contract (12% over 4 years) with retroactive pay for 2025.
- Shift differential increase to $1.00/hour and $1.50, respectively.
- A premium for boom truck operation of $1.00/hr
- Improved Benefits
- 10 Paid Medical Leave days guaranteed for the life of the contract, frontloaded at the start of each year
- Article 8.3 & 8.4 meal amounts increased to $10.75 and $13.50, respectively, in 2027
- Coaching Allowance increase to $30
- Mileage allowance increase from $0.32 to:
— Upon ratification: $0.38
— 2026: $0.44
— 2027: $0.46
— 2028: $0.48
- Appendix N Expenses All-inclusive increase from $123 to:
— $125.00 upon ratification
— 2026: $127.00
— 2028: $130.00
- Daily meal allowance increase from $50 to:
— $ 52, upon ratification
— 2026: $54
— 2027: $56
— 2028: $58
- System Gang Off-Region Meal Allowance increase from $38 to:
— $40, upon ratification
— 2027: $42
- Appendix Y (System Gangs)
— Paid travel time (pro-rata) increased to a minimum of 5 hours and a maximum of 12 hours
— Travel up to 3 seniority regions, maximum of 8 cycles
In addition to the gains listed above, we forced the Company to withdraw its demands on double-occupancy,removing standby payments while on annual vacation, dismantling Appendix T and its associated work-lifebalance, disqualifying members from their permanent jobs due to medical leave, and carte blanchedeployment of System Gangs.
The complete Memorandum of Agreement, including an official French translation, will be made available to allmembers before the ratification vote process begins. The document is extensive and the result of manygrueling hours at the negotiation table, with sessions often lasting through the entire night.
The Memorandum of Agreement will be distributed electronically, and the ratification vote conducted by SimplyVoting (same as the strike mandate vote). (Details to follow.)
Roll out meetings and conference calls will be scheduled over the next few days to discuss how and why wereached the Memorandum of Agreement, its finer details, and to answer your many questions.
In Solidarity,
Jason Sommer
Senior General Chairman IBEW System Council no.11
CC: Gurpal Badesha, Dan Blakeney, Brendan McCue, Joel Albert, Steve Martin, Al Russo, IVP Russ Shewchuk
Strike Notice
January 24th, 2025
IBEW System Council No. 11 Issues its 72-hour Strike Notice to Canadian National Railway
System Council No. 11 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) served Canadian National Railway (CN) with the required 72-hour notice of intent to strike. Barring a negotiated settlement between the parties over the next three days, the Union will be on strike as of Tuesday January 28th at 12:01 AM EST.
Backed by a resounding 95% strike mandate, IBEW members are sending a clear message: growing corporate profits cannot come at the expense of employee well-being. After months of negotiations since September 2024, key issues remain unresolved, including work-life balance, fair compensation, and improved benefits.
CN IBEW members work long hours, on call, and often away from home ensuring the safe and efficient movement of goods across Canada.
The IBEW remains committed to reaching a fair resolution but is ready to take action to ensure respectful and equitable treatment for its members.
Contact for More Information:
Jason Sommer
Senior General Chairman
IBEW System Council No. 11
Phone: 613-827-4613